Saturday, April 24, 2010

Family Pictures & Updates

My friend Sarra has been nice enough to take a bunch of picture of our little family, and they are SO great! Brooke loves the camera and she looks amazing in front of it! We are still waiting for Bella to join us, she was supposed to be here on Wednesday, but apparently she just isn't ready to come out yet. Here are some of the pictures that Sarra took :)

Daddy and Brookie-Poo

Such a cutie!

Hugging on her little sister Bella

Pretty Belly

Sarra takes such great pictures!

It just sticks straight out there!

"I'm gunna get you!"

Deep Thought

So Cute

Being Shy

In other news, Brooke has officially learned the phraze 'ice ice baby' and says it ALL the time. She is too funny. She is doing so great in her swimming classes. She loves the water, and she knows when she is going that she is going to play with the 'duckies' and with her best friend 'ayd', who is actually Ayden, and one of my best friends sons. Her and Daddy have a ball, and I have some videos of it that I plan to post, I just have to learn how to get the videos on the computer. Soon though, I promise!

If Bella doesnt make her appearance this weekend then she will be coming on Monday and sharing a birthday with her mommy. I have to call the hospital at 6am and make sure they are ready for me, and then head on in! I can't wait to have a new little baby, and to not be pregnant anymore! Let's keep our fingers crossed that this delivery goes smoother than the last one!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010


This Easter was perfect. We spent it at our house with Russell's Dad, and my parents. Brooke had 4 Easter baskets, and the Easter Bunny was very good to her!! She got a new sandbox, a rocking horse, the original 'Tickle Me Elmo', side walk chalk, a bunch of books, some learning movies, a few outfits, a new pair of sandals and lots of other little things for her to play with. She had so much fun opening up her baskets. She also got about 7 teeny chocolate bunnies which she unwrapped and handed out to everyone. She is so good at sharing already! We opened baskets around 12:45, and we ate our amazing meal at 3:00. After we ate, Brooke went down for a nap and when she woke up the whole family went out to the backyard to play with her in the sandbox. Dan come over while we were outside and he chased Brooke around the backyard which she absolutely loved.

It was just a perfect day spent with our family and a great friend.

Still no Bella, but I am eating spicy food and walking and doing everything I can to get her to come out!!!